Sunday, June 12, 2011


A fragment from a BBC documentary on Dinosauroids and the evolution of dinosaurs


  1. Hello Johnny,
    Very intou could share. interesting, that you are from the future. Have you any conviencing information you have shared? One would think that after so long with us in the past there should be some great information you can reveal like anti-gravity transportation, the monotary system, governments, ruling classes, ect..We all see a dying nation now, and illuminiti controlled world losing control, the western world crumbling, Dec, 10th 2012, a great change was expected soon after your birth, what happen? And why has our government allowed you to freely post and walk around freely, without interagation? Please explain? Have you posted any pictures of the key, they gave you? Not doubting you but it is a bit different. Time travel is unbelievable, right?

  2. Really................Really!!!!!! Come on people if this guy Johnny 5 was for real you would think he could be more o a humanatarian,I mean if lizzies sent me back 21 years or so I think I could manage to get the word out better.And listen if all you have to say is how to kill them, to me he is part of the problem not the solution.It appears that the lizzies sent back a whinning little brat..I mean here he has a chance to litterally save the world and all he can do is cry about his girlfriend....
    Hahahahahaaaa. So Johnny 5 you are part of the problem you have people talking about $/!| that doesent matter.If you where from the future I think you would be a bit more together, and not a crying p¢$$√.
    .maybe the lizzies grabbed the wrong guy.. Hey I know tell them I"ll time jump for them ...At least some real knowledge will get to the prople

  3. No, time travel not impossible.,if this guy was for real he could answer some serious questions but he doesent.he is an attention seeker. Like TITOR nothing will come of this.just more internet bull $/!| people like this need to be hung in public for crimes against humanity.Be part of the solution not the problem......................
    A$$h°|£ hey look if the lizzies need real help tell them I will time jump for them @ least I can get some real progress ...tell them my email is nuggetshooter@live. com. They can write anytime..Im always willing to jump time and fight for the cause. See ya johny 5

  4. Johnny show the info you need translated if you want someone to help and take you seriously.

  5. Books to read:
    David Icke The Global Conspiracy and how to end it

    Extraterrestrial Origins

    The Dragons of Eden

    Book of Enoch

    the Book of Noah

    Book of Kings

    Dulce in New Mexico ( se The Biggest Secret)

    The Biggest Secret

    Children of the Matrix

    Tales from the Time Loop

    Alan Walton har skrevet om undergrunds "byer" under pseodonym Branton

    Formation of America

    VIGTIG: Emerald Tablets of Thoth

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